Your Business is a Mountain


I want you to imagine a Mountain-- picture in your head the landscape of this mountain, and imagine what it might look like if you were looking at this mountain from afar. You’d see the base, the peak, and the other side.

The mountain is an image I use in all of my storytelling classes to help people understand their own story, and how to craft their message in a powerful way.

This applies to all great storytelling — for businesses, for people, for analysis of politics — everything.

Here’s how this mountain relates to storytelling.

What makes up a great story is the element of transformation. When people tell stories without this ingredient, the stories fall flat and are very boring. Think of a movie script — can you imagine watching a movie without experiencing the buildup to the climax? It would be a disaster.

For my illustration today, I’m going to use a business as an example — because I think too many businesses overlook the...

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MLK's Dream Sparks the Story


I can’t help but think about the power of Story today, as we celebrate and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here was a man so passionate for civil rights, he rose above adversity and used his voice to openly share his story as a means to blaze the trail for all of his brothers and sisters.

It’s awe-inspiring to think about the journey of Martin Luther King, Jr and how powerful his legacy is to this day.

Can you imagine if he had let all the doubts in his head keep him quiet??

I hear some of the same things over and over from amazing women who tell me they are scared to share their story —

Things like, “What will other people think?  What if they think I’m trying to be somebody special? What if my story falls flat, and it’s not exciting enough?" 

Some of these same thoughts probably went through MLK's head at some point.... Can you imagine if Martin Luther King, Jr had let that fear get to him?

Now, I know...

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# 1 Rule of Storytelling: Know Your Audience


The first step of storytelling is knowing your Audience.

Knowing who you are talking to will help inform you on the type of story you share, and the details you need to include.

So many people ask me, “How do I know what’s relevant— which parts of my story should I share?” — and the answer is tied up in “who are you talking to?” — What parts of your story would your audience be interested in? What is relevant to them?

Too many people share their story and quickly get off on a tangent of details that, honestly, nobody really needs to know!  Going off the rails like this makes your story all about you. Remember, your story — and the whole reason you are sharing it — is to make it about your audience.

Knowing who you are talking to will inform you on the types of details you need to share. Asking yourself this simple question: “Does my audience need to know this; Is it relevant to them?"— will help you...

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What's Your Big, Fat, Scary Dream?


I want to ask you a question. When was the last time you dreamed big? I mean really big??

We are at the beginning of a brand new year so I imagine many of you have spent some time recently imagining and planning out your year — maybe you’ve set some big goals to accomplish this year, maybe you’ve even created a Vision board to help you bring those dreams to life. What I’m talking about today is BiGGER than what you can imagine for just this year.

I think it’s really important to push our imagination to the farthest limits it will go and really visualize the biggest dreams we can think.

Here is a journal exercise I want to give you today: Write down the biggest version of your dream you can imagine. If money, time, logistics, and knowledge were not a factor — how BIG would you like to dream? What would your life and business look like?

I want to encourage you to go crazy here. Write down the most ludicrous version you can dream up. I did this...

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Lectio Divina for Storytelling


There's a storytelling technique I use often and I'm sharing it today on my Amazon Flash Briefing, What's Your Story.

This is really helpful when you feel uninspired, have writers block, or just simply have no idea what to say on your social media channels.

There’s a Christian study practice called Lectio Divina — and this storytelling technique is borrowed from it. Now don’t worry — this has nothing to do with religion — we are just taking a cue from the Lectio Divina principles and applying them to storytelling.

You start by taking a PHOTO and letting it spark a story lurking within you. Similar to Lectio Divinia — you do this in 4 parts.

The first is to simple Observe — study the photo and allow thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, creative sparks come to you.

The second is to Ask — what does is this picture saying to you? What stories are you hearing in your head?

The third step is to Think — how does is this really relevant?...

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Alexa Flash Briefings

alexa flash briefing Jan 04, 2019

Check out our daily Flash Briefings on Amazon Alexa, called "What's Your Story"

Enable this Skill on your Alexa device (or Alexa App) and get daily dose of storytelling tips, techniques, ideas and inspiration.  Simply say, "Alexa, Play my Flash Briefing"

Start your day with LIGHTbeamers! 

Check back to this Blog page often, as many briefings will be shared here, too!

I'm excited about producing these daily doses of story ideas, prompts, and inspirations to help you think more about "What's Your Story"

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Captain Nyota


Alexa Flash Briefing: Lessons gleaned from my interview with Nyota Gordon, author of "The Unraveling of Captain Gordon"

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